What is the Prayer of Examen?

Here is how I explain it to kids.  I think everyone may find this explanation helpful.

The Prayer of Examen

St. Ignatius lived about 400 years ago.  He taught his Christian brothers and sisters to look for God in all things.  Sometimes we forget to look for God during our day, so St. Ignatius taught his brothers and sisters a type of prayer to use at the end of the day to make sure they noticed. 

The Prayer of Examen is a way to review your day and notice God in it.

God is with us during every point of our day.  The things that feel good about our day are the times when we were experiencing the goodness of God or when we or someone else was acting most like God.  And we want to thank God for that.

For instance, maybe my highlight was playing at the park with a friend. We can thank God for this time, and remember that he wants us to have friends and joy and laughter in our life.

Let’s just think of today…what good thing has happened so far that you can thank God for?

Then, in the Prayer of Examen we also want to remember the times that were not so great.  We do that because we want to know and remember the times that didn’t feel good, so that we can ask God for help or ask God for forgiveness. 

For instance, maybe my least favorite time of the day was when my brother and I got in a fight. I remember that didn’t feel good because he said something mean and I said something mean back. That not how God wants us to feel.  So, I realize I need to say I’m sorry to God and my brother.  I can pray that God would help me to show my brother or friend that I care about them.

Let’s just think of today…what not so good thing has happened so far that you might want to ask God for help or forgiveness?

Remember, God is with us in the hard times too.  Remembering those times in prayer is a way to know that God loves us and can help us.


As a family, you can take turns sharing around the dinner table.  Or, as a bedtime ritual. 

Begin with some silence to review your day in quiet. You can light a candle as a symbol to create the space and remind you of God's light and love that is always with us.

Then you can...

share answers aloud
…draw a picture of each
…brainstorms with thought bubbles/thought mapping
…write it out on small pieces of paper or in a journal

Finish the time with prayer or a song.

Further Resources

"Sleeping with Bread" by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn, and Matthew Linn

Ignatian Spirituality website with The Daily Examen info